Dr. Remonia Chapman
Remonia A. Chapman is the community outreach manager and director of the Minority Organ Tissue Transplant Education Program (MOTTEP) at Gift of Life Michigan. She leads Gift of Life Michigan’s statewide community outreach team in innovative programs increased donor registrations, and multicultural initiatives. She is a past president of Association for Multicultural Affairs in Transplantation (AMAT) and currently serves on the AMAT Advisory Council. Remonia is also a member of the National Multicultural Action Group.
Under Chapman’s leadership, Gift of Life MOTTEP has received many national awards for increasing organ awareness and donation rates in Michigan. During Chapman’s tenure with the organization, National MOTTEP has honored the Gift of Life MOTTEP as a model program because of its community collaborations, partnerships, and community empowerment. Chapman is a devoted health advocate whose career exemplifies spirituality and service. She was honored by the Detroit News as one of the 2018 Michiganians of the Year. She has received the Donate Life America’s Trey Schwab Leadership Award, Michigan Medicine’s Wolverine for Life Leadership Award, and the Clive O Callender, MD Circle of Excellence Award.
Chapman earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and psychology from Wayne State University. She has also completed post-graduate health education programs at Wayne State University and Case Western Reserve University-School of Medicine. She has also completed her Urban Ministry Diploma, Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry at Ecumenical Theological Seminary and the Harvard Divinity School Summer Leadership Institute. Remonia served as an ordained deacon at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church, before being licensed and ordained as an associate minister, under the leadership of Rev. Charles Christian Adams, and Pastor Emeritus, Rev. Dr. Charles G. Adams. She is a life member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Alpha Rho Omega Chapter, where she serves as Chaplain. She received the Great Lakes Region’s Outstanding Soror Award in 2019 and serves on the spiritual oversight committee on the regional and international level. Remonia’s motto is, “My life is not my own – Take my heart, take my life as a living sacrifice – all my dreams all my plans – Lord, I place them in your hands – I give myself away – So you can use me.