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BL5001 Biblical Hebrew I

This is the first quarter of a three quarter sequence in the study of biblical Hebrew

Biblical Languages â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BL5002 Biblical Hebrew II

This is the second quarter of a three quarter sequence in the study of biblical Hebrew.

Biblical Languages â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BL5101 Koine Greek I

This is the first quarter of a three-quarter sequence of introductory study of Koine Greek (NT Greek). This course will focus on the mastery of vocabulary and the basic rules of Koine Greek syntax and grammar.

Biblical Languages â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Divinity



BL5102 Koine Greek II

This is the second quarter of a three-quarter sequence of introductory study of Koine Greek (NT Greek). This course will continue focus on the mastery of vocabulary and the basic rules of Koine Greek syntax and grammar.

Biblical Languages â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry



BLH6000 Biblical Hebrew Exegesis

This is the third of a three quarter sequence in the study of biblical Hebrew. Having mastered the basics of Hebrew vocabulary, syntax, and grammar, we will continue to study the Hebrew verbal system and apply our learnings to biblical texts. Throughout the course, we will work on a translation of either the book of Ruth or the book of Jonah, focusing on what our knowledge of Hebrew adds to our understanding of the text.

Biblical Languages â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BLK6100 Biblical Greek Exegesis

This is the third quarter of a three-quarter sequence of introductory study of Koine Greek (NT Greek). This course will focus on the details and nuances of biblical exegesis by reading in Greek an entire NT epistle, Ephesians, from beginning to end.

Biblical Languages â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry



BS5000 Biblical Hermeneutics

This course provides students with a general introduction to the academic study of the Bible, with a focus on exegetical practice and methodology, and is intended to prepare students for BS5100: Introduction to the Hebrew Bible and BS 5200: Introduction to the New Testament, as well as other biblical studies courses.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Divinity



BS5100 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (OT)

This is a general introductory course to the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). By making use of the results of current archaeological and comparative studies, significant attention is placed on the surrounding cultures of the ancient Near East and their impact on the development of the Hebrew Bible.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BS5200 Introduction to the New Testament

This is a general introductory course to the New Testament with an emphasis on the historical contexts and unique theological perspectives of the individual New Testament texts.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BS6101 Second Temple Judaism and the Dead Sea Scrolls

A basic survey course of Jewish literature from the Second Temple period with an examination of intertextual relationships with the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BST7002 The Apocalypse, from Daniel to the Walking Dead 

This course is an elective course in the ETS M.Div., MAPM, and academic MA curriculum. It provides a survey of apocalyptic literature, beginning with Second Temple Jewish texts and continuing through the New Testament book of Revelation. In addition, the course will explore how these apocalyptic ideas have been repackaged, re-interpreted, and re-imagined by contemporary popular culture in film and television.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BS7004 The Prophetic Tradition

This course is the second general course in Old Testament and is required at most of the cooperating seminaries.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BS7005 Psalms

The importance of the Psalms in defining the religious thought of the Old Testament is emphasized with particular reference to contemporary scholarship that lays bare the origins and development of the Psalms within their religious and cultural setting.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BS7006 Book of Job

During this course, we will undergo a study of the book of Job.  We will focus on its theological message through a close examination of structure and literary techniques.  Through careful readings and the use of an array of scholarly tools and approaches, we will consider the book’s message as it applies to the question of suffering, God’s justice, the proper role of lament, and creation theology. Special attention will be paid to the book of Job’s use within liberation theology and in non-first world contexts.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄ 



BS7101 Paul the Apostle

This course offers a historical study of Paul’s life and letters with special emphasis on Paul the Jew and the extraordinary matrix of Jewish traditions of the Second Temple period as context for Paul’s intellectual and theological engagement.

 Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BS7102 Gospel of Mark

This course offers a detailed historical study of the Gospel of Mark and its presentation of Jesus as the suffering messiah.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BS7103 Gospel of Matthew

This course offers a detailed historical study of the Gospel of Matthew with its unique emphasis on the Jewishness of Jesus as the son of David messiah, descendant of Abraham, and the Jewishness of Jesus’ earliest followers.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BS7104 Luke-Acts

This course offers an in-depth historical critical reading of the two-part New Testament text known as Luke-Acts. Special attention will be given to the author’s unique perspective on justice issues, such as racism, the subversion of cultural expectations of the roles of women, and exploitation of the economically marginalized by the wealthy elite.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BS7105 Johannine Tradition

This course offers a detailed historical analysis of the Johannine Tradition. The focus of this course is an in-depth study of the Gospel of John, the Letters of John, and the Apocalypse of John.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry



BST7103 Empire, Wealth, and Poverty in the New Testament

This course will examine issues of Roman dominance in the Mediterranean world from the second century BCE to the second century CE. Special attention will be given to issues of empirical ideologies of power, wealth, exploitation, and economic marginalization, as these important social and political realities were a concern for conquered peoples enslaved under Roman political and social dominance in this period.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity, Certificate in Theological Studies



BST7201 Biblical Theology

From the various “theologies” of the Bible, you will explore options in developing a holistic understanding of the biblical message from the biblical text itself.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BST7203 The Bible and Film

This course will explore the history of biblical interpretation in film, including silent film, technicolor epics, and modern interpretations. Attention will be paid to the ideological construct of biblical adaptations, and how the selection and presentation of the material contributes to particular interpretations. The course will also explore the Bible and Film, in which the film is not a direct adaptation of a biblical narrative, but nonetheless has resonance with biblical narratives, characters, or themes.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



BST7500 Women and the Bible

This seminar explores the importance of women, gender issues and cultural constructs regarding women in the Bible and its ancient contexts.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



CG 100A Colleague Group First Week

An essential component of every DMin Emergent Week are the meetings with your Colleague Group. Colleague Group is the setting for the interactive learning that takes place in your small group of DMin colleagues.

Doctor of Ministry 



CG 200A Colleague Group Second Week

An essential component of every DMin Emergent Week are the meetings with your Colleague Group. Colleague Group is the setting for the interactive learning that takes place in your small group of DMin colleagues.

Doctor of Ministry 



CG 300A Colleague Group Third Week

An essential component of every DMin Emergent Week are the meetings with your Colleague Group. Colleague Group is the setting for the interactive learning that takes place in your small group of DMin colleagues.

Doctor of Ministry 



CG 400A Colleague Group Fourth Week

An essential component of every DMin Emergent Week are the meetings with your Colleague Group. Colleague Group is the setting for the interactive learning that takes place in your small group of DMin colleagues.

Doctor of Ministry 



CG 500A Colleague Group Fifth Week

An essential component of every DMin Emergent Week are the meetings with your Colleague Group. Colleague Group is the setting for the interactive learning that takes place in your small group of DMin colleagues.

Doctor of Ministry



CG 600A Colleague Group Sixth Week

An essential component of every DMin Emergent Week are the meetings with your Colleague Group. Colleague Group is the setting for the interactive learning that takes place in your small group of DMin colleagues.

Doctor of Ministry 



COR 820 Introduction to the Doctor of Ministry Program I

The purpose of this course is to orient the new students to each other, the seminary, the ETS DMin process, and prepare them for candidacy.

Doctor of Ministry



COR 821 Introduction to the Doctor of Ministry Program II

The purpose of this course is to guide the students into the process of developing a proposal for the doctoral project, out of which will come their dissertation.

Doctor of Ministry â€Š⁄ 



COR 822 Practical Research and Methodology

This required course will introduce some basic theories and accepted practices that are necessary to design an appropriate research study for one’s DMin dissertation.

Doctor of Ministry 



COR 823 Theoretical Foundations of Ministry Events

This course is designed to aid you, the ministry practitioner, to better evaluate yourself and your ministry setting as you develop your theory for your DMin project.

Doctor of Ministry



COR 824 Dissertation Process I

This course assists DMin candidates to finalize their dissertations as well as prepare their presentations.

Doctor of Ministry



COR 825 Dissertation Process II

This course helps the DMin candidate consider and pursue the process of publication.

Doctor of Ministry 



ETH6000 Church and Society

The foundational ethics course in the ETS curriculum, exploring issues of community and mission, critical historical topologies of the relationship between Christ and culture and models of the church, and an in-depth focus on the church in contemporary North America in relation to issues of economic justice, racism, patriarchy and the environment.

Ethics â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



ETH6100 Theoretical Foundations of Christian Ethics

This course explores the meaning of ethics, the principle sources of ethical wisdom and various systematic approaches dealing with ethical dilemmas.

Ethics â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



ETH7002 Human Sexuality and Ethics

Ethics â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



EWT 930 Thematic Course

Each DMin Emergent Week will have its own unique Thematic Course. These themes are designed to challenge your horizons and to enhance your practice of ministry.

Doctor of Ministry



FE7001 Field Education (Fall Term)

This is the first of a required three-quarter (one-year) sequence. Field Education provides the student with the opportunity for experience-based learning in a supervised ministerial setting.

Field EducationGeneral Courses â€Š⁄  Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



FE7002 Field Education (Winter Term)

This is the second of a required three-quarter (one-year) sequence. Field Education provides the student with the opportunity for experience-based learning in a supervised ministerial setting.

Field EducationGeneral Courses â€Š⁄  Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



FE7003 Field Education (Spring Term)

This is the third of a required three-quarter (one-year) sequence. Field Education provides the student with the opportunity for experience-based learning in a supervised ministerial setting.

Field EducationGeneral Courses â€Š⁄  Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



GEN5001 Introduction to Theological Writing and Research

This required course for first-year students explores the process of scholarly research and writing in theological disciplines.

General Courses â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



HIS6000 Church History I

The Church History I and Church History II courses identify and explore the fundamental theological questions of the Christian tradition and examine the various ways in which the church evolved in response to those questions.

History â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



HIS6100 Church History II

The Church History I and Church History II courses identify and explore the fundamental theological questions of the Christian tradition and examine the various ways in which the church evolved in response to those questions.

History â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



HIST7001 Life and Thought of Martin Luther

This course will give an overview of Martin Luther’s life and his major writings.

History â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



HIST7002 Theology and Legacy of John Calvin

This course engages in a systematic study of John Calvin’s theology, with particular focus on the development of the Reformer’s thought in the various editions of Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion.

History â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity




PM5000 Formation for Ministry (Year 1)

This course is designed to help students build a strong spiritual foundation for ministry.

Pastoral Ministry â€Š⁄  Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



PM6000 Traditions and Trends in Ministry

This seminar will investigate the biblical, historical and theological development of the practice of ministry in the Christian traditions.

Pastoral Ministry â€Š⁄  Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



PM7001 Final Project (Fall Term)

This is the first of a two-part course designed to help students recognize and evaluate a ministerial need, formulate an effective plan to address the need, meet specific contemporary needs by implementing the plan, and adequately evaluate the results of the execution of the plan. The entire three-quarter sequence of Field Education must be completed before enrolling for this first part of the Final Project.

Pastoral Ministry â€Š⁄  Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry



PM7002 Final Project (Spring Term)

This is the second of a two-part course designed to help students recognize and evaluate a ministerial need, formulate an effective plan to address the need, meet specific contemporary needs by implementing the plan, and adequately evaluate the results of the execution of the plan.

Pastoral Ministry â€Š⁄  Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry



SYS6000 Systematic Theology I: Thinking Theologically

This course introduces systematic and constructive theology by exploring the motivations, qualities, and implications of theological thinking and theological knowledge for theologians across Christian history.

Theology â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity, Certificate in Theological Studies



SYS6100 Systematic Theology II: Doctrines

Systematic Theology II maps Christian doctrines and their histories in relation to contemporary theological conversations, while developing the skills necessary for responsible, life-giving, and faithful theological thinking.

Theology â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



SYS7001 Christology & Culture

This course looks at the way culture was adapted by Jesus to galvanize a peasant resistance movement in Palestine, how the creativity went urban and outlaw under Paul, became bardic and monastic with the Iris, adopted griot features in slavery, shamanic savvy in Brazil, guru-wiles in India, and continues to twist domination into vitality and defiance under the beats and braggadocio of hip-hop today.

Theology â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



SYS7002 Theology in a Multicultural Context

Theology â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



SYS7003 Theology, Ecology, and Spirituality

This course will explore issues in life and ministry through the integrated lenses of theology,
ecology and spirituality.

Theology â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



SYS7004 Womanist Theology

Theology â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



SYS7005 Doctrines of Salvation

Theology â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



SYST7101 Reformed Presbyterian Theology

Designed primarily to assist students from Presbyterian and Reformed Churches to prepare for their ordination trials, this course will review some key theological principles from the perspective of the Reformed faith.

Theology â€Š⁄ 



SYST7102 Theology of Bonhoeffer

This seminar wrestles with Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s life, times, ethical vision and moral lessons.

Theology â€Š⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity, Certificate in Theological Studies



TPM6001 Introduction to Christian Worship

Based on the premise that leading worship is a minister’s primary responsibility, this course provides an overview of Christian worship from historical, cultural, and pastoral perspectives.

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM6002 Introduction to Preaching

This course introduces the student to both the theory and practice of preaching by studying a variety of sermons, communications skills, modes of preaching and use of Scriptures.

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry



TPM6003 Introduction to Christian Education

This course will introduce you to the basic theoretical concepts and practices that support a congregation’s educational ministry.

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM6004 Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling

This course will cover basic types of professional pastoral care and counseling that have become normative for traditional Protestantism in the 21st century, along with more recently articulated African-American and feminist approaches.

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM6005 Introduction to Christian Spirituality

In this introductory course important facets of Christian Spirituality will be highlighted. Spirituality will be examined in relationship to theology, faith, psychology, history, and culture.

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM6006 Introduction to/Enrichment of Spirituality

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM7001 Church Management for the 21st Century

This course will explore issues of organizational change, church financial management, mobilizing volunteers, analysis of ministry context, personnel management, building utilization, and creating effective evangelism and mission programs. A portion of this course will include dialogue with practicing pastors from the Detroit area in their context of ministry.

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM7002 Advanced Preaching

The second level course in preaching is designed to enable you to build on the basic skills developed in the foundational course. This course offers advanced insights and skills development needed for specific types of preaching. Prerequisite TPM 6002.

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry



TPM7003 Church Leadership for the 21st Century

This course explores the personal leadership styles, values and principles of a congregational leader, especially as they are manifest in non-church, mission culture of our time.

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity, Certificate in Theological Studies



TPM7004 Interreligious Dialogue

The emphasis of this course is on conversation with the authoritative voices that represent diverse religious communities and living religions in America today, including imams, rabbis and priests. You will also learn the basic principles of the world’s religions as you visit mosques, temples, and gardens.

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM7005 Christian Spirituality II

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPMT7001 Principles and Practices of Church Music

This course studies the history, theology and practice of Christian worship and music. It examines the relationship between theology and worship by examining the biblical basis for worship, the history of Christian liturgy and contemporary worship.

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPMT7002 Baptist History and Polity

The Baptist History and Polity Course gives students critical understanding and appreciation of Baptist life, thought, and practice through 400 years of history.

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPMT7003 Presbyterian Worship and Sacraments

This course focuses on elements of critical reflection on tradition and contemporary issues, especially in the area the leadership of worship for Presbyterian (USA) students who seek to be teaching elders, commissioned ruling elders, and educators.

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPMT7003 Reformed Worship and Sacraments

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄ 



TPMT7004 Art & Spirituality

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPMT7007 Thought and Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.

HistoryTheory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄ 



UM101 Community Seminar in Urban Ministry

This course is an introduction to ministry in the urban setting. Through site visits and classroom discussions, the theology and practice of ministry in the city is examined and evaluated.

Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM) â€Š⁄  Urban Ministry Diploma



UM102 Church History: The Untold Story

This course will examine American Church history with emphasis on the particular contribution and influence of the African American Church. The Canadian Church will also be discussed.

History â€Š⁄  Urban Ministry Diploma



UM103 Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament)

This course is a general survey and critical review of the literature of the Hebrew Bible with emphasis on the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Urban Ministry Diploma



UM104 Christian Scriptures (New Testament)

This course is a general survey and critical review of the literature of the Christian Scriptures.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Urban Ministry Diploma



UM105 Biblical Interpretation

This course is an introductory course in the science and art of biblical interpretation. Topics will include hermeneutics, exegetical methodology and associated theories.

Biblical Studies â€Š⁄  Urban Ministry Diploma



UM107 Theology in Context

This course introduces the student to the complex world of theological thought and theory. The purpose of the course is to help the student learn how to do theology with his/her context in view.

Theology â€Š⁄  Urban Ministry Diploma



2930 Woodward Avenue | Detroit, MI  48201

(P) 313-831-5200 | (F) 313-831-1353 | (E)​


Ecumenical Theological Seminary is accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools​ in the United States and Canada, and the following degree programs are approved: MDiv, MA, MA in Pastoral Ministry, DMin.

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