We think ETS distinctives should be articulated phenomenologically, that is, by the people who have lived first-hand the ETS experience.

Welcome to Ecumenical Theological Seminary!
As you search for the right school that fits your educational and vocational needs for ministry, take a careful look at what ETS has to offer you. We think you will be happy with what you find here.
Feel free to contact our administrative staff with any questions you may have. You will find a group of friendly people who are eager to assist you.
ETS Distinctives
We think ETS distinctives should be articulated phenomenologically, that is, by the people who have lived first-hand the ETS experience. So instead of a web-site coordinator or an administrator writing up ETS distinctives for our web site, we asked students, alumni, and faculty to describe their ETS experience. These are the unique phenomena that distinguish our ETS community from other seminaries.
“My Doctor of Ministry work at ETS helped me to integrate liberation theologies in my cultural awareness curriculum. I work with graduate and post-graduate students training to be chaplains in hospital settings (Clinical Pastoral Education). Most of my students have had extensive classical theological training but only the briefest exposure to the various liberation theologies. My classwork at ETS empowered me to include theologies developed in various cultures into the CPE curriculum. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to expand my own understanding and therefore now have the opportunity to expand my students’ understanding as well"
— Rev. Kathy Bird DeYoung,
Association of Clinical Pastoral
Education (ACPE) Certified Educator
DMin program
“At ETS we grow spiritually by learning about and respecting different faiths.”
— Mark Nunn, MDiv program
“As a Caucasian person, I am free to ask my African American sisters and brothers if something we are reading in class reflects their lived experience–as the author asserts it should. Their sharing provides such valuable insights. Our differences enhance our learning.”
— Edie Wakevainen, Certificate in Theological Studies program
ETS Alumnae/Alumni
“Ecumenical Theological Seminary is where there is an application of theological perspectives, biblical teachings, and a ministry of spiritual enlightenment.”
— Charmaine Johnson
MAPM 2014 and current student in the DMin program
ETS Faculty
“The active pursuit of social justice is one of the inescapable consequences of believing the gospel. At ETS we believe the practice of social justice is an essential piece of the ecumenical and interfaith conversation.”
— James Waddell
Associate Professor of Biblical Studies