Rev. Dr. Kenneth E. Harris
Dr. Kenneth Harris is a Professor of Biblical Studies and Former President at the Ecumenical Theological Seminary (ETS). From 2016 - 2011 Harris served as Vice President of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean. Dr. Harris has served in a number of other roles at ETS, beginning as a doctoral student in 1992, the founding director of the Urban Ministry Diploma program at ETS in 1994 and Dean of Students when Worship Week was inaugurated. In addition, Dr. Harris served as Adjunct Professor of Biblical Greek and New Testament at Ashland Theological Seminary, Detroit Center for several years.
Dr. Kenneth E. Harris is the founding pastor of the Detroit Bible Tabernacle (formerly Detroit Baptist Temple) where he has been honored to serve for more than thirty years. DBT began as a home Bible study, and the church has been a labor of love. Dr. Harris has served as the student pastor of Pilgrim Baptist Church in Port Huron, Michigan, Senior Pastor of the Twelfth Street Baptist Church of Detroit, Education Chair of the Council of Baptist Pastors for seven years and membership chair of Boy Scouts of America - Metro Detroit West.