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Rev. Dr.  Trina Williams

The Rev. Dr.  Trina Williams “PoeTrina” is the Director of Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy at IU West and the ACPE Certified Educator for the ISR.  She is an Ecumenical Theological Seminary graduate where she earned a Doctor of Ministry degree in Professional Education and Leadership. 


Rev. Dr. Trina is an Ordained Minister, APC board-certified chaplain, spoken word artist, speaker, author and workshop leader who is finishing the Certificate Training Program at the Institute of Poetic Medicine.


She is a wife, mother, bonus mom/grandma, daughter, auntie, sistah friend and fur mommy.  Along with her husband, she enjoys traveling and good food.


Rev. Dr. Trina is currently working on a book of poetry entitled, Sounds of Earth Touching Heaven and an untitled book that meets at the intersection of autoethnography, poetry therapy and WomanistCare.

Doctor of Ministry

ACPE Mentor



2930 Woodward Avenue | Detroit, MI  48201

(P) 313-831-5200 | (F) 313-831-1353 | (E)​


Ecumenical Theological Seminary is accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools​ in the United States and Canada, and the following degree programs are approved: MDiv, MA, MA in Pastoral Ministry, DMin.

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